Author name: admin

Software Testing Services

What is Software Testing? Software testing is the practice associated with verifying that a product or software application does what it should do. The benefits of software testing include preventing bugs, minimizing elevation costs, and further developing accomplishment.  Why Software Testing Is Needed? Significance of software testing: People have opposing verdicts regarding the requirement of […]

Software Testing Services Read More »

iSoftech Revolution helped client by manual testing for Add on for CAD application

iSoftech Revolution, a Bangalore based software testing service provider, was tasked with testing web based engineering application that allows users to perform complex engineering calculations. Although there were several testing services available to them, client decided to enlist the services of iSoftTech Revolution. How iSoftech Revolution did help the client? Client was developing add on

iSoftech Revolution helped client by manual testing for Add on for CAD application Read More »

iSoftech Revolution helped client to test application deployed in Cloud

iSoftech Revolution, a Bangalore based software testing service provider, was tasked with testing engineering application deployed in cloud that allows users to perform complex engineering calculations. Although there were several testing services available to them, client decided to enlist the services of iSoftTech Revolution. How did iSoftTech Revolution Helped client? Client was well versed in

iSoftech Revolution helped client to test application deployed in Cloud Read More »